Our Mission-Vision-Plan

Our Mission - Vision - Plan


To eliminate the ongoing stigma associated with mental health services and treatment by normalizing treatment of the mind as we do the body while increasing access and reducing cost. 


To become the gold standard in mental health prevention and treatment through enhanced training and education of staff and revolutionaizing the delivery of services.  


White Tiger Integrated Services is a three phase business currently operating in phase one. Phase one is to establish self-sufficiency using a traditional private practice business model to generate consistent revenue. Phase two will be to establish a subsidary business model aimed at reducing cost and increasing access to mental health in the state of Arizona and branding treatment as preventative rather than disease focused. Phase three will to expand to the national landscape. 

67 E. Weldon Ave Suite 220
Phoenix, AZ 85012
O: 480-637-7361


F: 855-727-8638