Our Mission-Vision-Plan

Our Mission - Vision - Plan


To mitigate the persistent stigma associated with mental health services and treatment by normalizing the care of the mind, just as we do for the body. Our mission includes increasing access and reducing cost to make mental health services universally available.


To set the gold standard in mental health prevention and treatment. We achieve this by:

  • Enhanced Training and Education:Continuously improving our staff’s expertise through advanced training and education.
  • Revolutionizing Service Delivery:Pioneering innovative approaches to mental health services, ensuring they are effective, efficient, and accessible.


White Tiger Integrated Services operates in three phases:

  1. Phase One - Establishing Self-Sufficiency:

    • We follow a traditional private practice business model to generate consistent revenue.
    • Our focus is on building a strong foundation for sustainable growth.
  2. Phase Two - Expanding Access and Reducing Cost:

    • We create a subsidiary business model aimed at:
      • Reducing Cost:Making mental health services more affordable for individuals and families.
      • Increasing Access:Ensuring that mental health support is readily available to all Arizonans.
      • Branding Treatment as Preventative:Shifting the narrative from disease-focused treatment to proactive prevention.
  3. Phase Three - National Expansion:

    • Our ultimate goal is to expand our impact beyond Arizona’s borders.
    • We aim to be a trusted resource for mental health nationwide.

At White Tiger Integrated Services, we believe that mental well-being is everyone’s right, and we’re committed to making it a reality.

67 E. Weldon Ave Suite 220
Phoenix, AZ 85012
O: 480-637-7361


F: 855-727-8638